Premium Food Storage

Monday, January 6, 2014

Irish Beef Stew THRIVE Style!

So like most days I was browsing on Pinterest and finding all kinds of things that I think I might try "someday" but when I came across this recipe from Detours In Life I knew this was one that I was going to try right away! The reason I knew I wanted to try it is because as I was reading it I just keep thinking to myself I could use THRIVE for all of this and in a fraction of the time, so that is exactly what I did!

In the original recipe she browns the meat and then throws everything in the crock pot for 6 hours, not don't get me wrong, I love a good crock pot recipe but to be honest the days I wish I had dinner ready in the crock pot are usually the days when things are crazy and I'm thinking about dinner just about the time we should really be getting ready to eat, but not to fear THRIVE to the RESCUE!!!

So here is my THRIVE-ALIZED  version of Irish Beef Stew & Mashed Potatoes

2 cups THRIVE Cooked Beef, Diced (fd)
1/3 cup THRIVE Green Peas (fd)
1/3 cup THRIVE Carrot Dices (dehydrated)
1/4 cup THRIVE Chopped Onion (fd)
1/4 tsp Rosemary
1/4 tsp Thyme
2 cloves minced garlic
5 tsp THRIVE Beef Bouillon 
5 cups water
2-4 Tbs THRIVE Espagnole: Savory Beef Gravy
Salt & Pepper to taste

1. In medium stock pot add all ingredients listed above except the Espagnole Sauce and bring to a boil over med high heat. Stir occasionally.
2. Reduce heat and simmer for about of 15 min, checking and stirring every 5 min or so.
3. At the end of the 15 min some of the excess liquid will have boiled off now you may stir in the Espagnole Sauce to thicken up the liquid giving it more of a gravy thickness and texture.  
4. Turn off heat and let sauce thicken.

While you are waiting for your stew to thicken, you can whip up your mashed potatoes!

THRIVE Mashed Potatoes

4 cups water
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/3 cup THRIVE Instant Milk reconstituted
6 Tbs THRIVE Butter Powder
4 cups THRIVE Potato Beads

1.Heat water, salt, butter, and milk over med heat
2. Gradually stir in the potato beads till moistened, do not over beat.
3. For creamier potatoes add more milk.

So there you have it! In about 20 mins you have a delicious "Hearty" meal to keep you warm on those cold winter nights! The best part is my whole family loved it including my "super picky, never wants to eat dinner" 4 year old! In fact he wasn't even the last one done and even my 13 month old was eating it off Daddy's plate, so I besides being fast and easy that makes this a WIN in my book. Thank you THRIVE!

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